WHAT bigger said

tried i to forget times 'em but of i couldn't lots they wouldn't room let me no bigger's eyes me were wide give and unseeing wouldn't his voice they rushed on close mr. max too i didn't me mean to crowding do what was i did they i was all trying to that's do something to else but had it seems i like i felt never could i i was 'cause always wanting folks something and hurt i was i feeling that max nobody would mr.let me truth have it the so i that's fought 'em nobody i thought hurt they was to hard and wanted i acted never hard he i paused then really whimpered in but confession but now i ain't right hard mr. all max i that's ain't well hard even die a little to bit he going rose to his i'm feet but it i i get won't be to crying going none when i'm they take know me to that i chair but i'll hysterical b-b-be feeling inside growing of me was like i bigger was crying